Tax Problem Resolution

You’ve got a friend in the tax business. Let us be your go-to for your any tax resolution needs you may have. From IRS wage garnishment protection to helping you get “Innocent Spouse” protection, we have the experience you need.

What our Clients are saying

2018 Tax Reform Update And A Holiday Prayer from Lou

Unless something crazy happens this week, we have a new tax plan. If Congress-watchers are right, the House and Senate should vote to pass this new bill, and it will be signed by President Trump before Christmas. I'm writing this on Monday the 18th (a busy week is...

The Most Important Factor in Denver Small Business Valuation

I've heard from many of my Denver business owner contacts over these last few months, thanking me for the notes that we put together, sending thoughts and questions -- and letting me know that they've sent their friends to see us for their business and family tax...

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for Your Denver Business Work Goals in 2018

Happy New Year! It's time to turn the page... If you've been paying attention, I've been diving pretty deep into the new tax regime under which we are NOW operating. What will be interesting to see is the *actual* technical guidance from the IRS about all of these...

A Story, and Tax Planning 2017 for Denver Businesses

Story time today. Here we are, with Q3 of 2017 in the rearview mirror, and it's amazing how quickly things move. (And, by the way, this reminds me: have you considered making further pro-active moves to minimize your taxes for this year? With a few months left in the...

Special Business Knowledge And Denver Business Success

Yes, there's plenty to say about that Super Bowl, the advertisements (apparently, they're all Tide ads), the halftime show, etc. But I'll let others weigh in there. I'm a tax professional after all. Congratulations Eagles fans, etc. Here at Colorado Business...

Thanksgiving Week Reflections From A Denver Business Owner

It's a slower week, here in Lucero Tax & Accounting World. Yes, it's crazy (and a bit of a relief, to be frank) that we now find ourselves in Thanksgiving week. And I have some thoughts, which are perhaps a bit more meditative than normal, because of how this...

Three Easy Ways for Denver Business Owners to Develop Delegation Skills

The corporation deadline for Denver businesses is behind us, and we're taking a big breath around here (while still focusedly working through personal tax returns as well). Apparently, there are basketball games being played.  Not that we would know much about that....

What Are My Chances of Getting Audited? 11 Tips For Denver Small Businesses

On March 15th, 2018, Subchapter S Corporation (S-corps, for short), have their tax returns due. We're already on top of things for our Denver clients, but this is a quick reminder to you to make sure that we've communicated, and that your books don't contain any...

2017 Year-End Tax Strategies for Denver Business Owners With Tax Reform In Mind

The holidays are funny for Denver business owners. And, I must tell you, especially so for tax professionals like me. Every year, Congress delivers updates to the tax code, seemingly at the very last minute, so my staff and I are often working over the holidays when...

Dealing With Angry Customers: A Plan For Denver Business Owners

As I have been saying to some of my personal tax preparation clients in Denver, I'm not sure that there is very much that I could say that could add anything to the conversation about what happened last week in Parkland, FL. It seems that every time something like...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.

But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!